حصرياً تحميل لعبة بيس pes 2016 لعبة كرة القدم الشهيرة باخر التحديثات للكمبيوتر Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 Free

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حصرياً تحميل لعبة بيس pes 2016 لعبة كرة القدم الشهيرة باخر التحديثات للكمبيوتر Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 Free

Download game exclusively Pace pes 2016 soccer famous game updates to the computer's Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 Free

نبذة عن اللعبة:

لعبة بيس 2016 هي من اجمل الالعاب المعروفة والشهيره تم اطلاق هذه اللعبة في 16 سبتمبر 2015 وهي 
النسخة 15 من العاب بيس .

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 which is known as Winning Eleven 2016 in Japan has come up with new and improved features which have made it the Best Sports Game. The developers of this game have added a new system for the defenders and players can now easily shove their opponents out of their way and quickly secure the possession of the ball. It has got a new and improved Master League which has added more spice into this game. It has introduced an advanced collision system which EA sports is trying to add into their games since FIFA 12. As compared to FIFA 2016 from EA Sports Pro Evolution Soccer 16 has got huge improvements while on the other hand FIFA 16 has only improved some fixes from previous game or has added a woman’s team which has shifted the interest of player more towards Konami PES 16. PES 16 has introduced new night time lighting as well as player models by using Fox Engine. It has also got dynamic weather and you can experience rain during the matches. You may also like to download Pro Evolution Soccer 2014.

نظام التشغيل :

اختبار على ويندوز 7 64 بت.

وحدة المعالجة المركزية: إنتل كور 2 ديو.


مساحة القرص الثابت: 9 GB.

معلومات عن اللعبة

اسم اللعبة:pes 2016

الحجم:4.84 غيغا بايت


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